Welcome to Salvatore Sorrentino! A new member of Politecnico di Milano team

Salvatore was born in Castellammare di Stabia on July 8th, 1996. He achieved his Master’s degree in Physics at Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II” in 2020 with a thesis based on the realization of a Confocal Microscopy to study the spatial distribution of unitary polarized fields under the supervision of Prof. Pasqualino Maddalena. He is currently a PhD student in Physics at Politecnico di Milano in VIBRA group and a Data Scientist at Intesa Sanpaolo, working in the Artificial Intelligence Department, carrying on activities related to the application of Big Data in the banking field.

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A primer on Artificial Neural Nets

Neural Networks (NNs), also known as Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs), are a specific subset of Machine Learning (ML). Deep Learning algorithms employ deep ANNs in order to exploit huge amounts of data to perform impressive tasks, often related to image and speech data, e.g. object detection and machine translation. Neural Networks were initially inspired by...

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Clinical Hyperspectral Imaging – Poster presentation at 3rd International Symposium on Tumor-Host Interaction in Head and Neck Cancer

The medical student, Hoang-Ngan Nguyen, of the UKJ team had the great opportunity to present his results on hyperspectral definition of head and neck tumor margins at the 3rd International Symposium on Tumor-Host Interaction in Head and Neck Cancer in Essen (Germany). He could show the high potential of...

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Read more about the article Towards a spectrometer calibration protocol for CARS, SRS and SR data
Figure 1: Correction workflows for CARS, SRS, and SR spectra. The correction sequence for SR data can be performed according to ref Bocklitz et al [1].

Towards a spectrometer calibration protocol for CARS, SRS and SR data

For the comparison of spontaneous Raman spectra (SR) and coherent Raman spectra (CRS), such as coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectra (CARS) and stimulated Raman spectra (SRS), complex preprocessing, calibration and standardization workflows are needed. The modeling of the Raman ...

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Multicellular spheroid-based tumor cell model as a preclinical tool to study therapy-induced senescence

A better understanding of the complex metabolic reprogramming induced by radio- and chemotherapy is essential to define the pathways involved in treatment resistance and senescence development, which contribute to ...

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