Welcome to Rajendhar Junjuri! A new member from IPHT team

Rajendhar Junjuri hails from Telangana, India. He received a master’s degree in physics from Osmania University, Inda, in 2011. He obtained Ph.D. in Physics from the University of Hyderabad, India, in 2020. His doctoral work focused on developing a low-cost Laser Induced Breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) system combined with chemometrics for various applications like plastic waste sorting, biological tissue mapping, standoff detection of explosives, etc. His thesis results were published in various reputed international journals and appeared in the OSA optics year review 2020.

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Welcome to Salvatore Sorrentino! A new member of Politecnico di Milano team

Salvatore was born in Castellammare di Stabia on July 8th, 1996. He achieved his Master’s degree in Physics at Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II” in 2020 with a thesis based on the realization of a Confocal Microscopy to study the spatial distribution of unitary polarized fields under the supervision of Prof. Pasqualino Maddalena. He is currently a PhD student in Physics at Politecnico di Milano in VIBRA group and a Data Scientist at Intesa Sanpaolo, working in the Artificial Intelligence Department, carrying on activities related to the application of Big Data in the banking field.

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